Monday, May 25, 2015

Jeff the Killer. Real or Fiction?

    I know.  This is is a very controversial topic.  Many people believe he is fake.  Many believe he is real.  I am one of those who believe he is real, but there is a variation that I believe.  
    If you have not read the story, I believe you can find it on the creepypasta webpage.  I'm going to tell you why I believe he is real.  
    Jeff the Killer.  Many people have heard of him.  Some people even claim to have spotted him.  I have read many blogs and articles about these encounters.  You can also look up sightings on youtube, however, the majority of those ones are fake.  There are some that are very realistic.
   If you look up on Google, or whatever search you want to use, you can type in this date: Saturday, September 2nd, 2006.  You will find various images of a news article.  I will put it here:
Attached to the article is this picture of the supposed "Jeffery Woods" 

    If this picture and this article are real, then that might be a connection to Jeff.  As you can see however, if Jeff was 13, like in the story, he would be much older now.  I would believe he is about 22 right now. 
   I know you all are wondering.  Who wrote the original story?  Many people believe Jeff himself wrote it.  He wanted to be known.  To be feared.  It is a possibility.  Of course, there are fabricated points to the story.  I believe that it is impossible for your hair to stay on in a fire like that.  I guess it depends on how long he was on fire.  The smile...Well it is likely that that is real.  My point to this is if you see Jeff, leave.  He is a serial killer, and he will not hesitate to kill you.  I will see you all soon, my lovelies.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Are Vampires Real?

    Hello again my loves.  Today we will be talking about a widely famous subject in pop-culture.  If you didn't read the title, we're talking about vampires.  More specifically, are they real?  This question has been asked time and time again.  
    My theory is that yes, in fact they are.  But not in the way pop-culture imagines them.  I do not believe they transform into bats.  They do not desire to kill.  They are not effected by holy water.  Why do I say this?  Think about it.  "Holy water" is just water.  I'm a strong atheist, and I do believe churches have no effect on anyone or anything.  They believe holy water is more special than normal, just because it came from their church.  That doesn't change the water.  Water will be water.  
    My theory on why they do not desire to kill is quite simple actually.  If vampires killed every time they feasted, there would be so many bodies with "no explanations" on how they died.  If they did find out, and trace it to a vampire, the vampire would be mobbed and get killed.  It's only common sense to take a little, so you do not get mobbed or tracked down.
    According to many news articles, the majority of vampires reside in the U.K.  Why is this?  You can read the reasons in this article here:
That is all I have for now but we will revisit this subject in the near future.  Remember, sleep tight, and have sweet nightmares my lovelies.


    Hello my lovelies!  This is Nocturnal Nightmare, or Zoey, but I prefer the first one.  I decided there weren't enough of these to cover the subject of anything horror related.  I want to write serious posts about science fiction things.  Namely vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and I also have a great interest in Creepypasta, so there will be much of that too.  
    I hope you enjoy reading this blog, and I hope to enjoy researching and writing for you guys.  It's going to be a great experience.  I cannot wait to interact with you guys and engage in conversations about my blogs.  I will start researching for my first one soon.  Stay in touch my dears... And don't let the night haunt you.