Sunday, May 24, 2015

Are Vampires Real?

    Hello again my loves.  Today we will be talking about a widely famous subject in pop-culture.  If you didn't read the title, we're talking about vampires.  More specifically, are they real?  This question has been asked time and time again.  
    My theory is that yes, in fact they are.  But not in the way pop-culture imagines them.  I do not believe they transform into bats.  They do not desire to kill.  They are not effected by holy water.  Why do I say this?  Think about it.  "Holy water" is just water.  I'm a strong atheist, and I do believe churches have no effect on anyone or anything.  They believe holy water is more special than normal, just because it came from their church.  That doesn't change the water.  Water will be water.  
    My theory on why they do not desire to kill is quite simple actually.  If vampires killed every time they feasted, there would be so many bodies with "no explanations" on how they died.  If they did find out, and trace it to a vampire, the vampire would be mobbed and get killed.  It's only common sense to take a little, so you do not get mobbed or tracked down.
    According to many news articles, the majority of vampires reside in the U.K.  Why is this?  You can read the reasons in this article here:
That is all I have for now but we will revisit this subject in the near future.  Remember, sleep tight, and have sweet nightmares my lovelies.

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